6.15.20 – MVHM&G: Virtual Concert ft. lutenist Christopher Morongiello
On June 16th, 2020, Tuesday evening, the Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden hosted a virtual concert, featuring lutenist Christopher Morongiello. It was a wonderful opportunity to experience the beautiful and unique sound of the lute.
The lute was one of the most popular instruments of the Renaissance. With a new fingertip style of playing and the publishing of lute solos, the number of amateur lutenists grew in the 15th and 16th centuries, and its popularity expanded through France, Germany, and Italy through the 18th century. Interest in the lute experienced a resurgence in the 20th century, including in America, that continues today. Visit the Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden for future virtual events.
(Image: 16th-century print of “Two Musicians Playing the Violin and the Lute” courtesy of the NYPL Digital Collection)