5.1.17 – Mount Vernon Hotel Museum Wish List
Please help our Mount Vernon Hotel Museum fill its period rooms by donating or loaning objects from 1800-1835.
Look your bookcase, check your china cabinet, explore the attic, take a peek in the piano bench. Do you have any books, newspapers, or other small objects from 1800-1835? If so, please consider giving them to Museum as an outright gift or a long-term loan. Curator of Collections Ruthie Osborne is happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact her at 212-838-6878 or [email protected]
We are looking for museum-quality examples of the following:
- Transfer-print ceramics for dining, to be placed in the Lower Hall
- Magazines & Newspapers for doing business, to be on display in the Tavern Room
- Pipe Box & Lap Desk for the proprietor, to be located in the Tavern Room
- Glassware for drinking, to be placed in the Tavern Room & Gentlemen’s Parlor
- Tea Caddies & Table Games for entertainment, to be in the Ladies’ Parlor South
- School Books, Travel Books & Novels for conversation, for the Ladies’ Parlor North
Your support of the Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden is much appreciated. The museum, which is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums, is wholly-owned and operated by The Colonial Dames of America. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
If you don’t have an in-kind donation, but would like to support the museum with a contribution, go to the MVHM&G: Operating Fund.