CHAPTER NEWS: Nashville – August 2013
Chapter VII held its spring business meeting and luncheon on April 26, 2013 at the Centennial Club. New officers were presented and installed. Member, Lattie Noel Brown, was the speaker and gave a program on the history of Chapter VII which included a photo and ancestor bars of her great-grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Hayes Acklen. Mrs. Acklen was a charter member of Chapter VII and also the chapter’s first president from 1926-1934.
At the August board meeting the Chapter voted to award scholarship recipient, Rebecca Robinson, additional funds for completing her thesis. The chapter also voted to donate and place a copy of the 2013 Book Award winner, “A Rich Spot of Earth” by author Peter Hatch, in the homes of former presidents Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk and Andrew Johnson, who were all residents of Tennessee.