10.12.2018 – A Day at The New York Botanical Garden
A dozen members of the Garden Committee and the Parent Chapter spent a perfect October day at The New York Botanical Garden on October 12. They began with a private showing in the archives of materials about Bertrand Farr, the notable iris hybridizer and nurseryman of the early twentieth century. The visit was enriched by the presence of Lori Galletti, the collector who researched Mr. Farr and donated these materials to the archives, and her mother, an experienced collector in her own right. The Gallettis joined the Dames for lunch, where Lori gave an additional talk about her experience building the collection, then showed photographs of some of the named irises developed by Mr. Farr. Lori has obtained root stock of these plants and now grows them in her own garden in Pennsylvania.
The group also viewed the Georgia O’Keeffe exhibit at the NYGB library, then ended the day with a guided tram tour of the grounds and an enthusiastic visit to the gift shop.