6.1.17 – Cider and Ale Tasting at MVHM&G


June 1st, 2017


6:30 - 8:30 pm


The Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden,<br> 421 East 61st Street<br> New York, NY 10065


Join New York Adventure Club at our historic museum for a casual evening of museum tours and ale and cider tastings in our private garden. Enjoy after-hours tours of the period rooms, delicious Blue Point Colonial Ale and Stella Artois cider, and socialize with other historically-centric New Yorkers enjoying beverages which were popular and made in New York in the 19th century. 21 and older. For more information and tickets, <a href="https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-night-of-cider-ale-tasting-the-historic-1799-carriage-house-museum-registration-34425143531">go here.</a>


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