The President General’s Anniversary Project

The President General’s Anniversary Project

FP_ELEM_125This 125th anniversary, the President General has chosen to make the restoration of the MVHMG as her special project. Donations are earmarked for restoration and repair of the facade of The Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden, including the balcony.

$100[wp_cart_button name=”MVHMG Restoration Fund” price=”$100″]$250[wp_cart_button name=”MVHMG Restoration Fund” price=”$250″]
$500[wp_cart_button name=”MVHMG Restoration Fund” price=”$500″]
$1000[wp_cart_button name=”MVHMG Restoration Fund” price=”$1000″]
$1890[wp_cart_button name=”MVHMG Restoration Fund” price=”$1890″]