CDA News

4.2.19 – American Eden Named 2019 CDA Book Award Winner

The Colonial Dames of America has named the winners of its 2019 Book Awards. The awards will be presented at the Society’s Awards Dinner in New York on April 27, 2019. Past President General Audrey Svensson is Chairman of the CDA Book Awards Committee.

Fall 2018 – Message from the President General

Brantley Bolling Knowles, CDA's 38th President General, shares news about the latest activities of The Colonial Dames of America, including the 2018 Fall Benefit, office updates, and the great work being done by many of the Dames.

Summer 2018 – Message from the President General

The Colonial Dames of America (CDA) has elected Brantley Bolling Knowles as the Society's 38th President General. She will serve a three-year term. Founded in May 1890, the CDA was the first hereditary lineage society for women focusing on the colonial period. With 40 chapters in

Summer 2018 – Social Register Observer Article

"The Colonial Dames of America Celebrates a Century-Long Relationship" was published as an article in the Summer issue of the Social Register Observer. The article was written by Sharri Whiting De Masi, the CDA's Communications Committee Chair. The article shares about CDA's 2017 Fall Benefit,