The Mount Vernon Garden – Bath, England
The Mount Vernon Garden, American Museum at Bath, England. It commemorates George Washington, presented by The CDA in 1962. Chapter XI - London.
The Mount Vernon Garden, American Museum at Bath, England. It commemorates George Washington, presented by The CDA in 1962. Chapter XI - London.
2008 - Two chapters shared the 2008 award. Chapter XXIV-Atlanta, Georgia: Restoration work at the Oakland Cemetery. Chapter XXXI-South Carolina: Restoration of the brick steps at Hopsewee Plantation House (circa 1740) birthplace of Thomas Lynch, youngest signer of the Declaration of Independence, at age 26.
Two chapters shared the 2007 award. Chapter X-Rome, Italy: Published a booklet about the Americans buried in the famous Protestant Cemetery in Rome. Chapter XI-London, England: Replacing an ancient, worn sign with a new legible one in the American
The White House Restoration, Washington DC, 1962. The Colonial Dames of America contributed three glass chandeliers and eight smoke bell lanterns.
Chapter III – Washington, DC purchased the George Wythe House as part of early efforts to create Historic Williamsburg in the late 1920s.
2005 - Three chapters shared the 2005 award. Chapter IV-Paris, France: Assisting L’Association Hermione La Fayette, in constructing a replica of the frigate upon which the Marquis de La Fayette sailed into Boston Harbor in 1780 to aid General George Washington during the Revolutionary war.
This ornately designed iron gate, built by John Williams of New York, was presented to Jamestown by The Colonial Dames of America and its various chapters in 1907. The gates were restored several decades later by Chapter XXIII-Virginia; the CDA is working with Jamestown to
The Washington Memorial Chapel, the open air "Woodlands Pulpit" and New York Archway-Bay, Valley Forge, PA, was contributed by The Colonial Dames of America.
2004 – Chapter XIV, Chicago: Schmidt-Burnham Log House; a restoration project on the historic house in Winnetka, Illinois. • 2003 - Chapter XIX, Florida Everglades: Parents as Teachers research and educational project; a division of Early Years Educational Foundation of Collier County, Florida. • 2002 - Chapter