Author: N. Scholet

Chapter XXXIX – Birmingham

Founded: Chapter XXXIX was chartered on February 23, 2017 with forty-three charter members. Chapter Projects: In 2018, the chapter received the CDA Award for Excellence for its support of its Junior Interpreter Project at American Village. In 2023 it assumed an additional project, the archeological site of Old

5.9.17 – CDA Annual Meeting in NYC

The 127th Annual Meeting of the CDA was held the weekend of April 29-May 1, 2017 in Manhattan. President General Sharon Vaino presided over three days of activities centered around The Colonial Dames of America and the Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden, wholly owned


During the past year, your donations have been used to introduce a CDA online store, update systems, and offer more efficient services to chapters. The CDA is exploring ways to use its real estate holdings more effectively, and to serve the surrounding medical community through

Email CDA

The Society’s office welcomes hearing about upcoming events and news from you or your chapter. Please also send any contact information updates to [email protected] to ensure you or your fellow members receive the latest CDA communications and invitations. Thank you.

CDA Garden Video – 2016

Request a Copy of the Garden Video This video shows the seasons of the garden at the Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden. The video is a project of the Garden Committee and was produced by members of the Garden Committee in cooperation with the Communications

March 18th 2016 – 2016 CDA BOOK AWARDS ANNOUNCED

Sixty-five years ago, in 1951, The Colonial Dames of America inaugurated its prestigious Book Awards. On March 10, 2016, the Book Award Committee, chaired by Past President General Audrey Svensson, announced the exciting 2016 awards, which will be presented at the CDA Annual Meeting and